by Taatas
November 30, 2018| 508 views

TAATAS (PVT) LTD is the best Palmyrah Arrack Exporters in Sri Lanka. The Palmyrah tree has been an icon for all things north in Sri Lanka for a very long time. It is often seen as a symbol of the Tamil homeland, a witness to the community’s struggle for their rights, and their endurance since. The central and provincial governments spent a decade to revive the war-hit economy. Now, the Palmyrah tree is standing tall, and it renews hopes of boosting livelihoods in the north and east.

As a professional exporter company that has been in the market for a long time, TAATAS (PVT) Ltd supplies bottles of Palm Arrack to all their customers. Their products are in superior-quality, follow a 100% organic process; and come in rich natural flavors like vanilla.

To always be the best organization in the arrack industry as well as the alcohol trade, TAATAS welcomes all consumers with warm hands throughout the world. In the meantime, they aim to offer their clients all-natural Palm arrack products in sustainable bottles and packages: their bottles are of European Design. Moreover, they also ship Palm arrack to any appointed destination locations in a highly secure manner. Their products have International Export License. Their services are professional, and all their employees are highly trained for all sorts of crises. The Company deals with day-to-day fermentation, distillation, and bottling process. TAATAS’ arracks are 100% organic and are found at best prices. Thus, TAATAS (PVT) Ltd. is positive about their success rate.

TAATAS follows 7 characteristics to successfully export Palm Arrack world-wide.

TAATAS’ products and services are domestically successful

After functioning intermittently during the war, the Palmyrah cooperatives are on restart mode now. TAATAS’ major focus has always been on upgrading the manufacturing process. They also wish to replace old machinery to increase production of Palm arrack. Nonetheless, they give due respect to the traditional aspect of toddy tapping. TAATAS’ very own toddy tappers are workers who have been doing the job for generations. They use fresh toddy to ferment, distill, and manufacture Palmyrah Arrack. Due to their honest and high-quality products, TAATAS remains the top production and export company.

TAATAS has particular benefits over the local competition

TAATAS (PVT) Ltd. is already exporting Palm Arrack throughout the world, including Canada, England, Australia, and France. They do not view Palmyrah Arrack as simple old arrack in a new bottle. They treat a host of mixed drinks such as toddy, cocktails, mixed alcoholic drinks. Locals of Sri Lanka drink Padaneer, which is a healthy drink.  The Palmyrah co-operatives’ federation has major doubts about the longevity of toddy tapping and arrack selling. However, TAATAS has high hopes for the palm arrack distribution and export, especially with their export license. Although it is a difficult task, Palmyrah toddy and arrack has been, and will always be a traditional part of every Sri Lankan’s life.

Therefore, TAATAS considers this source as an emotional value. They give their due respect in the process of manufacturing, distribution, and export.

TAATAS has a strong local business plan with evident success

TAATAS, their employees, and associates are involved with the locals and toddy tappers for a purpose. They wish to modernize the toddy and arrack based on Palmyrah with marketers.

They have increased the quality of packaging to meet the International export standards. TAATAS has improved the marketing of the drinks to make it worthy of export all around the world.

The old government records reveal about 11 million trees in the northern region of Sri Lanka. While shelling and war-time destruction changed the landscape, the trees that remained are strong. However, neither the Palmyrah Research Institute nor the Development board of Palmyrah has performed enough functions to focus on the economic potential of this wonderful natural resource that is available in every corner of the northern province of Ceylon.

Therefore, TAATAS has increased the quality of their Palmyrah Arrack so that it meets the modern standard. The spirits currently being distilled in their company is refined.

It is in highest quality, with new machinery and technology. This has increased demand in the market among the other popular brands of arrack. The bottling plant of TAATAS also meets the quality standards required to export Palmyrah Arrack globally.

TAATAS’ services and products are special in several ways

The Palmyrah is a hidden treasure, according to several people who live abroad.  While they are all eager to consume arracks of various kinds, Sri Lankans are not utilizing Palmyrah to their advantage. They can meet an eager export market with proper development. TAATAS’ major benefit is that they produce highly qualified, organic, and all-natural Palmyrah Arrack.

TAATAS has competitively priced services and products

The Palmyrah Corporation says that the people and companies in the north lack the technical expertise needed to improve the quality and production of Palm Arrack. Large stock of spirits is brewed every single day. When it comes to Toddy, people need it fresh. Since companies use old methods for distilling and manufacturing, the production cost is very high. In Jaffna, many distilleries use old machines. However, TAATAS (PVT) Ltd uses high-tech equipment and modern machineries. Thus, their cost is also low. Therefore, they sell all their products only in economic costs so that all the people will be able to afford their Palm Arrack.

TAATAS is eager to invest their resources for the gain of the society.

Palmyrah arrack is a dying trade that can be developed into a great business. It could earn millions of rupees of income from the North. Not only is it a natural product for the local and foreign consumers, it also creates employment opportunities for skilled labor in the North. The expectation of the Palmyrah growers is to gain the attention of the competent authorities for their trade.

TAATAS’ current efforts to awaken the sector have come as a strength to the Palmyrah associates. The company believes that profits and “win-win” can be gained through their export of Palmyrah Arrack world-wide.